Francois DesRochersJan 236 minThe BazaarThe Bazaar #52: OCC Overview – Combat CyborgINTRODUCTION General. One of the running themes for Rifts has always been about the bionic and cybernetic augmentation. From the very...
Francois DesRochersApr 5, 20225 minScholar's ReviewScholar’s Review #52: RIFTS World Book 31 – Triax 2Author: Taylor White, Brandon Aten and Kevin Siembieda Release Date: April 2010 GENERAL It has been five years of in-game time since the...
Francois DesRochersMay 4, 20206 minScholar's ReviewScholar's Review #9: RIFTS World Book 5: Triax & the NGRAuthor: K. Siembieda Release Date: 1993 GENERAL Introducing the only other really human technological power thus far, this World Book...